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About Creating Success

Updated: Sep 16, 2021

Welcome to the Creating Success section, the section that will teach you practical and effective steps to ensure your goal is attained and success is created. Notice I said success is something that is created and not obtained, acquired or given. This is because only commodities like gold, diamonds and bitcoin can be obtained, however, success is created by people who have no limits in terms of ideas, creativity, energy, authenticity, courage and discipline. Success is also something that is abundant. Everyone everywhere in the world can achieve a hundred times or more success than they ever dreamt possible simultaneously and there will still be infinitely more success yet to be created. In fact, the more success that exists in the world, the more opportunities, stability, security and possibilities will exist as a result. But what do we even mean by success? Let's take a look ...



  1. The achieving of desired results, or someone or something that achieves positive results. - Dictionary

  2. "To be thriving in all areas of one's life, such as mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, financial, communal, philanthropic and familial." - Self-Mastery

  3. "To live a life where you are exploring and hitting your full potential.' - Sadhguru

  4. "A duty, obligation and responsibility. Utilising your gifts, talents and blessings to their full potential in order to create success in abundance for you and everyone. Success is a question of ethics." - Grant Cardone

Success largely depends on what phase of life you are in.

For instance, for a child, success may come in the form of staying up later than he or she normally would.

For a teen, it may come in the form of getting their first car, going to college or getting their first flat.

And for someone in their 60's and 70's, success may take the form of having a great family life, grandchildren, good health and happiness.

Regardless of what you classify as success currently, it provides a sense of security, comfort, and the freedom for a higher level of expression and contribution. Without success, civilisation would cease to survive and thrive, and historically many have.

Throughout this section, we will fully explore the standard blueprint that the most successful people have followed, almost like a formula for success. Many practical concepts will be discussed which not only guarantees you hit your target but ensures success regardless of your current level of experience, finances, connections, economic situation and any other reason under the sun. I would like to end this post with two powerful sayings.

"Most men live their lives in quiet desperation." - Henry David Thoreau

The sad reality is, most people do live in quiet desperation as they have accepted their current situation or previous failures as a life sentence, therefore feeling hopeless and powerless. Make sure this does not happen to you. Create success in every part of your life in total abundance! It is possible and Self-Mastery will be with you along the way.

No matter how dark the road may seem, always remember:

"What one man can do, another man can do." - Charles Morse

I know this can be hard to believe and even feel stinging to a wounded individual, but after working through this section, I guarantee you will take this as a noble truth as you will be obsessed and free in the pursuit of your goals, targets and objectives.

Are you ready? To not only understand the set process to attain any goal or target, but also understand where 99% of the people who failed in their pursuits have gone wrong? For me, this was an eye-opener, as I took my personal mindset of demotivation, lack of knowledge and success as something personal when I was just making mistakes that most people make. First of all, we will learn about the principle of massive action and why it is important. Okay, let's go!

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